Small Business New Year’s Resolutions

Lose 10 pounds. √ Check. Quit smoking. √ Check. Spend more quality time with my family. √ Check. The same resolutions that you made last year. They are all worthy goals, but do you have any for your small business in 2014? • Do you want to cut payroll without layoffs?...

Control Overtime With Accurate Timekeeping

Employee overtime is sometimes unavoidable. Big projects come up and the work has to get done and the overtime must be paid. But it should never become a routine part of a small business plan. A company that pays overtime every week can save 1/3rd by hiring a...

ObamaCare Postponed. Prepare Now.

In a previous post, New Numbers For Small Business, we outlined the implications of the new Obamacare law to small businesses.  This law will require businesses with at least 50 employees to provide healthcare coverage to employees who work on average 30 hours a week....

Not Wasting Your Time

You bring home the new windshield wipers that you just purchased; the 19-inch wipers that the salesman insisted were right even though you suspected they were too short.  You install them and… you were right.  Ughhh… Option 1:  keep them and live with the...

Timekeeping 101: Minutes and Decimal Hours

Many people hate math and all of its evil cousins, such as algebra, calculus, and decimals. While one may argue that the real-life practical use of the first two is non-existent, it’s hard to be a business owner and not come across decimals frequently.  This is...

Risk and Reward – It’s about Time.

You know that a time clock app for your remote, hourly employees is a fantastic idea. You know it will save you 5% or more on payroll and countless hours of processing it. You know these things to be true, but you still haven’t done it. Why? Because you also know that...