Timekeeping Technology’s “High 5” Ways

Google’s automated car has been receiving a lot of attention in the news lately. It’s a car that can drive itself and could be a major breakthrough for certain segments of our population, such as the disabled and the elderly. However, the automated car may...

Chronotek Timekeeping Midyear Review

It has been a busy year for us in the world of telephone timekeeping. As Ferris said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” We want to pause for a moment at the midyear point and look back at...

An Inspection System For Remote Employees

To remain profitable, small business owners must be able to trust their off-site, remote workers. This trust begins by hiring the highest quality people and training them to do the highest quality work. The emphasis on quality, and not costs, will create a solid...

Prevent Use of Unauthorized Phones

We have been listening to our clients.   There is concern when employees call to clock in using a phone they were not authorized to use.  Maybe it was their even their home phone!   No more.   We have just the tool for your managerial toolbox.  A big concern for...

Budgets 103: Control with Integrated Scheduling

We believe that budgets are the target and that schedules are the plan to hit the target. An airplane has a landing destination, but there is a control in place, called the pilot, that brings the plane in.  She will make adjustments along the way in speed and altitude...