The Best Time Tracking Solution

As the year closes, be honest, you’re considering a gym membership.  It’s an annual tradition, right?   Let’s pretend that in your community there are 2 fitness franchises, Gym A and Gym Y, and they are across the road from one another.  Both are...

Friendly People Make for a User-Friendly System

Every software designer strives to make his user interface user-friendly. It’s doubtful that anyone starts out with the goal in mind, “Let’s make this as hard as possible!” But as we know, the world is full of systems that fall short of...

Happy Thanksgiving

We want to wish our Chronotek customers a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving season. We know that you work hard every day to keep your small business dreams alive and we hope that you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor for a day or two. To help with that,...

Timekeeping Technology’s “High 5” Ways

Google’s automated car has been receiving a lot of attention in the news lately. It’s a car that can drive itself and could be a major breakthrough for certain segments of our population, such as the disabled and the elderly. However, the automated car may...

Chronotek Timekeeping Midyear Review

It has been a busy year for us in the world of telephone timekeeping. As Ferris said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” We want to pause for a moment at the midyear point and look back at...

An Inspection System For Remote Employees

To remain profitable, small business owners must be able to trust their off-site, remote workers. This trust begins by hiring the highest quality people and training them to do the highest quality work. The emphasis on quality, and not costs, will create a solid...