How To Automate Employee Time Tracking

How To Automate Employee Time Tracking

Get Control of Daily Operations Do you pay your monthly bills automatically with online banking? We automate this task ensuring the lights stay on while giving us a measure of control over our lives. But control is a constant struggle for business owners with remote...
How to Use a Time Clock

How to Use a Time Clock

When it comes to keeping track of the hours your employees work, it can be easy to get lost in the influx of schedules, attendance tracking, timesheets, and payroll. Using a time clock, like Chronotek, can save you time with a web-based service that makes managing...
What is a Time Card or Timesheet

What is a Time Card or Timesheet

When employers prepare to pay their employees, they use time cards to calculate payroll. A time card is a method for recording the amount of time an employee works. In addition to calculating payroll, employers use time cards to track attendance and productivity and...
How To Stop Employees From Padding Time Cards

How To Stop Employees From Padding Time Cards

Are your hourly, remote employees math wizards? They may realize that padding time cards by a few minutes a day add up in the long run. This slight exaggeration won’t amount to Kardashian money for each employee, but the compounded effect will crush your...