New Overtime Rules – Don’t Panic

The Department of Labor is affecting business owners in a big way.  We are privileged to have this detailed explanation from Matt Lapointe, a business lawyer with Wetherington Hamilton, P.A. in downtown Tampa,  Matt advises business owners on...

Time Tracking for New Overtime Rules

The federal government has given small business owners another reason to monitor and track their employees’ hours closely.  A new rule in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), beginning December 1, 2016, will raise the salary threshold of workers for which...

No Need to Blame Someone Else

Today is the day that you can do no wrong. It’s National Blame Someone Else Day!  This day comes on the first Friday the 13th of every year. If bad things are going to happen, you may as well blame someone else, right? According to National Day Calendar , this...

Tax Expense or Tax Deduction

You might remember from a previous blog post we analyzed the financial ramifications of a daily Red Bull habit, and the even more monetarily crippling practice of using handwritten time cards to track the time of remote employees.  In that post we made an assumption...

World Password Day – Deter Cybercrime

Today is not only Cinco de Mayo, it’s also World Password Day. Yes, it’s a real thing. And unfortunately, so is cybercrime. Today is the day to update your passwords for all of your logins.  In our modern world of cybercrime with encrypted emails, internet...

Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day!

We are privileged to work with thousands of administrative professionals across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico and we want to wish you all a fabulous day! As the saying goes, behind every great CEO is an awesome administrator. Well, it’s not a saying...