Creating the “perfect” work schedule for employees can be a monumental task without the correct tools and tips on how to do it. One easy step in the right direction is having access to a work schedule excel spreadsheet. Download the spreadsheet for free, and begin tackling scheduling like a pro!

While spreadsheets can be a very helpful tool, having access to an easily managed platform for scheduling can take the task from difficult, to a breeze. Having an efficient, handy medium, like Chronotek, for employees to communicate about work schedule issues is a good step to take. With Chronotek’s work schedule platform and communication program, both management and employees can keep scheduling talk in one concise place.

There are a few big tips to make use of to keep the stress of scheduling diminished. For starters, knowing when the business’s busiest times, and likewise, slowest times can give a big advantage when deciding how many workers are needed for any given day. Knowing what is going on around the area is also beneficial when staffing. If there is a large event in the area that may cause the business to have an unusually high amount of work, be prepared to schedule accordingly. Basing a schedule around the best and most experienced employees is a great way to give other, less prepared employees the support and learning they may need.

Get the company schedule out in a timely fashion if possible. This allows employees to swap or trade around shifts earlier, in turn keeping management from having to find last-minute coverage. Giving employees a platform to get time-off requests in as soon as they are aware of the need, also alleviates the stress of being left shorthanded. Honoring those time-off requests and other scheduling preferences to the best of your ability builds a good relationship between management and other employees. Increasing satisfaction amongst employees is a great way to keep the best workers aboard and lessens the chance of someone calling in at the last minute. Management that keeps a consistent and predictable pattern in the schedule will ease the burden of management or employees having to constantly find someone to cover a shift. Encouraging employees to try finding a replacement for their shift will take some stress off of the manager’s plate. Using the Chronotek scheduling program promotes this very practice.

The Chronotek Smart Time Tracking system offers many benefits to both the scheduling managers and the employees. On the Chronotek platform, management can create and track work schedules. Making use of the communication feature offered is an awesome way to stay connected to the whole team. Both voice and in-app messages allow for a communication style everyone can benefit from. With Chronotek, keeping all scheduling materials and needs together in one convenient location will no longer be a hassle. Start your 30-day free trial of the Chronotek system today and put your scheduling woes behind you!