Test Drive Automated Travel Time and Mileage Reporting

Test Drive Automated Travel Time and Mileage Reporting

Do you have hourly employees who drive between job sites?  You may be paying too much for travel time but don’t know what to do about it. In a previous post, Speed Up Payday with Hassle-free, Automated Travel Time and Mileage, we introduced our travel...
Where are Your Employees, Really?

Where are Your Employees, Really?

Would you buy a new 55″ smart TV without a remote?  Maybe a remote isn’t necessary, but it makes the TV more enjoyable.  If you’re a small business owner with off-site hourly workers, you need confidence that employees are clocking in and out at the...
Giving You Just a Little More Time

Giving You Just a Little More Time

Time is something we think about a lot, like ALL of the time. At Chronotek we can get pretty geeky about it, too. Our timekeeping solution for small businesses with remote workers tracks 100% accurate time worked.  We’ve posted how to convert time in...

NEW Chronotek Mobile App – Virtual Assistant for Small Business Owner

Suzie was relaxing with her family one evening when her cell phone rang. Once upon a time, before Chronotek, that evening call would have instantly pushed her into panic mode.   Her job as a supervisor used to ruin her evenings with late night emergency calls because...

Better Employee Management

We’ve been chronicling the life-change of Suzie the SUPERvisor since she started using Chronotek’s new employee management app.   She can wake up in the mornings, fire up the Keurig for a fresh cup of coffee and check Workforce Stats on the app to review her...

NEW Chronotek Mobile Time Card App – Making SUPERvisors!

Supervisors all over the country have joined the party as we’re still celebrating the release of our new mobile time card app.  In our last post, we outlined why and how your remote employees love it as they use it to create time cards in our automated...