We Help Janitorial Companies Succeed

We Help Janitorial Companies Succeed

Business success doesn’t come easy. Every business owner faces hurdles and challenges to survive for the long term. This is especially true of companies, like janitorial businesses, that manage remote employees. Brandon, the founder and CEO of Chronotek, learned...
Cut Payroll Costs with Effective Timetracking

Cut Payroll Costs with Effective Timetracking

As a business owner, do you sometimes feel that you’re doing all you can, but still can’t catch a break and barely squeaking by? In a silly way, I can relate. I had the top-scoring team in our fantasy football league but ended the season with a losing...
Understanding Independent Contractor v. Employee Classification

Understanding Independent Contractor v. Employee Classification

Don’t let this happen to you. In June 2015, FedEx settled with workers in California for $228 million who sued the company for misclassifying them as independent contractors instead of employees. Workers in many other states have also filed suits against FedEx...
5 Ways To Use Automation To Improve Work Efficiency

5 Ways To Use Automation To Improve Work Efficiency

The big box hardware store is awesome, but I’m learning a few things that improve my experience there. Recently, I’ve tackled many projects that required 25-30 bags of pebbles that weigh close to 50lbs each. I used to load them onto my flatbed cart, load...
Should You Be Using Time Card Software?

Should You Be Using Time Card Software?

Are You Playing On Your Field of Dreams? As we approach the exciting days of the MLB playoffs and the World Series, I recall my childhood dream of being a Major League pitcher. After pitching a 2-1 victory over the best team in our Little League tournament, I thought...
How To Build a Great Company with Great Employees

How To Build a Great Company with Great Employees

Your hot water heater may be the most unappreciated appliance in your home. You don’t ever think about it. You may not ever see it. You don’t hear it. But turn on the faucet for a hot shower and get nothing but cold water, suddenly the hot water heater is...