“People won’t change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

The internet cites many sources for this quote, but whoever first said it really understands human behavior. And since humans own and run companies, this truth has both personal and business implications.

We frequently hear the story. The owner of a small, but growing janitorial company, Becky, is up late doing payroll manually. She goes through 25 handwritten timesheets to verify the hours with a nagging certainty that not every one of her off-site employees could have worked perfect 6-9pm shifts every night of the week.  Yet that’s what is written on all of the timesheets.  Then there’s Donnie, like always, who failed to turn in his at all. Her pain is immense. At that moment. In her late night-early morning agony she Googles for an employee call in system, and signs up for a free trial on our telephone timekeeping solution.

Ok, this is a new start.   But by the next day the immediate headache has passed, and Becky is caught up once again in the day to day grind of running her business. She doesn’t have time to talk when we give her a call to help her get started, and will call us back later. Later never comes.

Becky experiences the pain again a week later while she does payroll and thinks about us. Then she considers the time it will take to learn the system and train her employees, and she decides she just doesn’t have that time.  After all, she is too busy, because it is payroll day, again!  And her employees will probably give her a hard time about it, especially Donnie.

So her weekly payroll pain is not greater than the “perceived” pain of changing her processes.  And she does nothing.  Chances are she will always be a 25 or less employee company.  She never commits to the time and effort to step out of her business to work on her business.

We truly believe that Becky would like to change. It can’t be fun dreading one day out of every seven.  After all, we already have Mondays in which to contend.  And who likes to knowingly waste money?

If you own a small business with employees who work off-site and can relate to Becky’s pain, why not let 2016 be your breakout year?  Do something bold and courageous. Consider this quote by Seth Godin, “Change-making happens when people fall in love with a different version of the future.”

Fall in love with a future of automated and accurate time cards, a 2-6% payroll savings (a dollar saved is better than a dollar earned because it’s tax-free),  and most of all, a future with no more stress-filled late nights doing payroll.  Take your life back!   Sign up for a free trial today and let us help you change your future.