Convert Time Clock Hours and Minutes to Decimals

Convert Time Clock Hours and Minutes to Decimals

Whether you calculate payroll monthly, bi-weekly, or even weekly, we can all agree that the time it takes to manually enter employee timesheets is time we’d rather spend on other work. Since payroll systems require the times to be in decimal format, this can...
5 Ways To Use Automation To Improve Work Efficiency

5 Ways To Use Automation To Improve Work Efficiency

The big box hardware store is awesome, but I’m learning a few things that improve my experience there. Recently, I’ve tackled many projects that required 25-30 bags of pebbles that weigh close to 50lbs each. I used to load them onto my flatbed cart, load...
Should You Be Using Time Card Software?

Should You Be Using Time Card Software?

Are You Playing On Your Field of Dreams? As we approach the exciting days of the MLB playoffs and the World Series, I recall my childhood dream of being a Major League pitcher. After pitching a 2-1 victory over the best team in our Little League tournament, I thought...
How To Save Time At Work

How To Save Time At Work

Did you recently walk little Sarah into school for her very first day? Or did you move your freshman son and all his stuff into his college dorm? Through the tears and hugs you probably gave your child advice that could be paraphrased as, “Pay attention. Study...
How To Easily Manage Offsite Employees

How To Easily Manage Offsite Employees

Last weekend my family took me out for my birthday. It was a nice restaurant by the water with live music. Perfect spot for me. Everyone ordered ice water and since they were paying, I didn’t order water. I also selected one of the more expensive entrees on the...
How to Track Work Hours Effectively Online

How to Track Work Hours Effectively Online

It was eye-opening. Alarming is probably a better word for it. One of our clients had not been tracking work hours against contracted hours. She recently started using our Budget Manager tool and made a startling discovery. For over a year they have been losing 10...